Tuesday 30 November 2010

Monday 29th November 2010

A day later, at last, our hotel's "superfast internet connection" which was running at 1 mbps has let me online!!

On Monday, we had a bit of a shopping day. My daughter-in-law makes lovely handmade jewellery, so I went bead shopping for her. We roughly remembered where the shop was from last year, but still had to hunt for it!

The good thing about HK shops, is that they're all situated in a street of the same shops! Hence, Fish Shop Street - 50 or more aquatic shops, all in a line; Shoe Shop Street; Cloth and Materials; Beads & Haberdashery. How they all make a living I have no idea, as they all seem to sell the same things in huge bulk.

N_M started his trail of Fish Shop Street. They have so many interesting items over here that the UK won't get for another year or more, that he only went in 3 shops! Needless to say he'll be having another few visits before we go home.

From Prince Edward we moved onto Tsim Sha Shui to look at the beautiful Christmas displays at the entrance to Ocean Terminal. Those of you reading last year might remember the displays all featured clocks. This year I reckon they knew NM was coming, and the displays are all huge cakes!

The time and effort made here is amazing, and puts to shame most of the Christmas displays at home. And with no signs of any real snow.

We went to our favourite shop to get our tea - the Yee Shun Milk Shop!

And followed that by an impromptu musical performance by this lady in the street outside, who carries around her instrument on a trolley!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have to say, that sandwich in the Tee shop looks a little sorry for itself! On the other hand, those giant cakes look amazing. And did you buy that gold leaf Christmas tree? I'm loving reading about your trip. Keep blogging!

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