Monday 30 November 2009

The first couple of days

We've had a fairly quiet couple of days, with lots of mooching!

Day 1, we had a walk through Kowloon Park. Hong Kong is very excitedly getting ready to host the Asian Games ( a mini Olympics for Asian athletes) from 5th December. The swimming and diving events are to be held in the park, but before that we were amused to see the following upcoming event....

The "Oldies Games" - any volunteers to represent the UK? Haha

In the evening we went over to Discovery Bay to meet N_M's parents (who are here for a month) and his brother and sister-in-law for dinner. A good time was had by all, but we were still quite knackered and headed back to the hotel to bed before midnight!

Yesterday we had a picnic lunch from the local bakers and headed off to meet N_M's parents at Central. From there we went up to the Mid Levels, via a myriad of escalators (yuck!) We exited the escalators at Hollywood Road and made our way to the Man Mo Temple.

From there we visited Possession Point, where the British first landed to colonise Hong Kong. On 26th January 1841, a Royal Navy ship docked close by and the officers came up the hill, erected a flag and British Rule began! They have now made a park close by, a haven of peace amongst all the noise and bustle.

The ponds are full of fish that should be living in someone's tank at home, but have obviously got too big and been released there. We saw giant cat fish, arrowanas and angel fish living alongside terrapins and koi carp. Bizarre!

Last night took us to the night market for some pressie shopping. I've really missed these markets that stay open for shopping until midnight.

Now it's Monday morning, the sun is shining and we're just deciding what to do today. Laters dear readers!

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