Sunday 9 November 2008

Our first weekend

The weather for the past two days has been extremely hot and humid, very unusual for November. It was 30.5 degrees when we landed, and equally as hot yesterday. N_M's parents are here still on their holiday, so yesterday we went across to Discovery Bay.

We had a walk along the beach, I had a paddle in the warm water, and we collected shells and pieces of washed up coral for our marine tanks. We then went and looked around the flat they have spent the last month in, which was very nice, and we all met up with N_M's brother and sister-in-law for a meal.

Today we went outside and discovered the weather had cooled down a lot. We had to wear long sleeves to go into town for a look around, before meeting up with the family again. We shopped at the Ocean terminal, well window shopped anyway, as the majority of the shops are designer - Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and a Vivienne Westwood store just like the Trafford Centre! After a very tasty pizza we went to watch the Symphony of Lights Show at the waterside. It's very impressive, especially in the current financial climate, as the electricity bills must be enormous!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you both arrive, enjoy the holiday catch up soon
Looney Laura

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